Saturday 20 April 2013

419 SCAM - Business Venture 200413

>From Raphael Kamara
Hello My Dear

Good day to you. It is our pleasure to contact you for a business venture
which I and my sister intend to establish in your country. I am Raphael
Kamara and my sister Juliet. Although we have not met with you before but
I believe, you will regard us as your friend and treat this message

We are writing you in absolute confidence to seek your assistance to
transfer the sum of seven million five hundred thousand United State
Dollars USD ($7,500,000.00) which our late father deposited in a bank here
in Ivory Coast. He wanted to used this money for his political reason in
our Country before he was assassinated on his out Political campaign with
our mother.

Now I and my sister have decided to invest these money in a country were
there is no political war because we don't want to experience what we have
past through in the past again. We want to transfer these funds for
investment in your country. That was why I felt happy when I saw your
contact because I strongly believe that by the grace of God you will help
me invest this money wisely.

We are ready to pay 20% of the total amount to you if you can help us to
manage this money another 10% as annual interest to you especially for
securing the money for us in a good business which you will have absolute
control over.

We are honorably seeking your assistance in the following ways also (1)To
serve as a guardian of this fund (2) To make arrangement for me to come
over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident
permit in your country.

I await your soonest response for more details.

Raphael and Juliet

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