Saturday 28 July 2012

419 SCAM - Central Bank of Nigeria 280712

FROM THE EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR,CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) LAMIDO SANUSI OFFICE +234-8152723445 Dear C.B.N Beneficiary, I am writing to inform you that Your payment of $8.3m in CBN is not YET UNCLAIMED. The Federal Government has threatened to confiscate the funds and put it back to Federal Government Treasury Account and this means that you will no longer receive the $8.3m again. But as the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, I don;t want you to lose this huge sum just like that, so i decided to release the funds to you in CASH PAYMENT through a delivery agent to deliver to your home . The delivery agent departed with the funds loaded in a consignment since yesterday. For your information now, your delivery agent by name AGENT.EWARD SMITH has arrived with your cash consignment box value $8.3 million dollars in USA and he is now on TRANSIT at ( Pittsburgh International Airport, Pennsylvania) I want you to know that you have 24 hours to call him now with his line (206) 495 9418 and also email him : Please ensure that you follow the instructions of the diplomat to enable him to clear your consignment from the US CUSTOMS and have smooth delivery to your he has been waiting to hear from you to help him complete this delivery to you today. PLEASE TAKE NOTE, your $8.3m inheritance funds was loaded into the two trunk box as a consignment, but i did not tell the delivery man Agent. GEORGE LAMBERT about the content of the 2 TRUNK BOX for security purpose. Please do not tell him to avoid running away with your funds.On no account should you let him know about the content of the consignment to avoid greed. Most importantly, you are advices to send your full data to him,which include your (1) Complete Name AND Current Residential Address (2) Cell Number (3)A copy of any identity card to verify that you are the right receiver to avoid mistakes. Send it via his above email address once you receive this email to enable him to deliver your cash consignment to you house without any further delay or mistake. Note; that you must call me as soon as you receive this email for more discussion, my direct line is +234-7044414633. I appreciate your good sympathetic and collaboration, Hope hearing from you swiftly. ON BEHALF OF CBN, I APOLOGIES FOR ALL THE DELAY AND INCONVENIENCES IN RELEASING YOUR FUNDS. I BELIEVE YOU WILL REWARD ME AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THE FUNDS. THANKS, Mr. LAMIDO SANUSI AMINU, EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR, CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA OFFICE +234-8152723445

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