Saturday 7 January 2012

PHISH - Santander 070112

Dear Customer,

We detected irregular activity on your Santander
Internet banking account on 7/01/2012.

For your protection, you must verify this
activity before you can continue using your

Please download the document attached to this
email to review your account activity.

We will review the activity on your account
with you and upon verification,

and we will remove any restrictions placed on
your account. 

If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise
but to temporaly suspend your account.

We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be
investigated and we strongly recommend to verify (sic) your
account in that time.

Best Regards,
Colette Nugent
Head of Customer Communications

© Copyright Santander Holdings plc 2011 - All rights reserved
File Name of Attachment: Verify.hmtl 
Screenhot of Attachment:

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